Exercise fish and bamboo shrimp fanning

For 75 gallon to 130 gallon tank, we need an ultra quiet wave maker 12W 2100GPH to exercise fish body, or help the bamboo shrimp fanning.

For 20 gal to 60 gal fish tank, a 5W 1050GPH wave maker is enough to do the job.

When you got the new fish or shrimp, them may be rest behind the plants or rocks most time, more than swimming out with other fishes or fanning happily. One of the effective way to help them adapt the new environment is that install a wave maker to exercise them.

Of course, if you want to make a snail fly, you should do it immediately.

The most important point is that: 

remember to install the wave maker on the middle of the tank wall, that's the most effective way to train fish, shrimp or ranshorn snail.

How about to install wave maker on the bottom of the tank? It can clean the residue of fish, includes uneaten food and fish excrement.

If you want to circulate the whole tank water to add oxygen for aquatic pet, you should install it on upper of the tank, then it can simulates natural currents for you.


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