Can Shrimps be keep with Angelfish
Angelfish are freshwater fish of the cichlid family. Angelfish are classified into two types: freshwater angelfish and saltwater angelfish. This article will mainly concentrate on freshwater angelfish. Some aquarists may choose to keep angelfish and shrimp in the same tank. This usually causes unnecessary damage. Avoiding this loss and choosing the right tank mate for your angelfish starts with understanding the characteristics of angelfish. Characteristics o f angelfish Angelfish are popular among aquarists due to their distinct arrowhead bodies and graceful, flowing fins. Angelfish are indigenous to tropical South America, encompassing the majority of the Amazon watershed . Slow-moving streams, floodplains, swamps with warm, acidic water, and a little salt are frequent habitats for the fish. Adult angelfish may grow to be three or four inches long and six inches tall when fully mature. So they need larger fish tanks . Tall aquariums are ideal for their body...