The Right Light for the Deep Fish Tank
Everything has its inner system, each thing follows their inner system to circulate and reach some kind of stable state. For example, a good lighting system is an indispensable part of a fish tank, just like a person needs different functional organs to work together as a whole to make the body work properly, fish tank lights carry not only the function of beautifying the fish tank, but also have a vital and inseparable relationship with the healthy growth of fish and aquatic plants. But how to choose a suitable light for a deep fish tank? Maybe after reading this article, the answer will come to your mind. Here we summarize the problem about how to choose the right light for your deep fish tank. Each liter of water requires about 0.9- 1.0W of fish tank light. First of all, we need to clarify the definition of deep fish tank. fish tank water depth in 30cm (not including the bottom sand) below is shallow fish tank, per liter of water about the wattage of fish tank lights 0.5 – 0.6W...